We are thankful to the Lord for the past 25 years through which He led us without fail and has blessed the ministry of Operation Barnabas to be a blessing to thousands of our commended workers and assemblies. All glory to Him.
We would like to acknowledge the tremendous amount of help and prayer support we have received from many of you, without which we would not have reached here.
As we celebrate 25 years of God’s faithfulness, my memories go back to the humble beginnings of a successful story. It was while my wife and I were waiting for a flight back to our home in Regina, Canada after a successful job interview that the call of the Lord came to us through Jeremiah 42: 15-16. It did not surprise us as it was the “Rhema” that we were seeking and praying for the past seven years.
So right there we prayed and committed our lives to serve Him in India. But the great dilemma was: how can a man with “stammering tongue and few words” be of any use to God in India?