Mr. C.P.Mathew, Odisha
“As we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith” Galatians 6:10
I praise God for the ministry of the ministry of Operation Barnabas in their service to the servants of God in India. As I look back from its inception, OB has played a vital role in the Lord’s work in India. They started to introduce the workers to the body of believers through Insight India magazine at a time many of the local workers were unknown to the mission minded believers. The field survey and testimonies published in Insight India enabled the believers to know about the workers and pray more intelligently for them. It was the need of the hour.
I greatly appreciate the good work being carried out through the Operation Barnabas Team especially in the field of medical assistance (MAP) for the full-time workers. The workers serving the Lord in the remote places especially the less privileged and unknown workers face a lot of hurdles and health hazards and their ministries are affected a lot. Now, because of the OB medical plan many are benefited in Odisha. MAP is for worker’s family only. But there are many who also take care of their aged parents, so I wish it could also be extended to include them. Not only in the area of health but also in the field of the education of worker’s children OB is of a great help and most workers appreciate it so much. Another matter I want to mention here is that OB also took much interest in publishing much needed study books in North Indian languages. This was one of the most needed ministry; for the edification and equipping of gospel workers. May the Lord help OB to be a greater source of help and encouragement to many servants of God who are toiling hard in the Mission fields of India.
All blessings to the OB Team!